Fast Football Club grounds, Archview Drive Sector 58



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  • FFC- Senior

    Fast Football Club grounds, Archview Drive Sector 58



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Fast Football Club (FFC) was launched to assist the development of football at grass root level. This initiative looks to encourage young children to hone their skills in football and ultimately become professional footballers. Our philosophy runs on 4 parameters which are Technical, Tactical, Social & Psychological for the holistic development of the player.

Through football training, we aim to develop the child’s social, psychological and moral values also. The initiative is aimed at boys and girls between ages of 5 to 17 and is to be promoted in schools, local communities and clubs. By embracing FIFA’s philosophy that there is “no better teacher than the sport itself”, FFC hopes that this initiative will not only develop skills on the pitch but will also aid personal development and grooming of the children such as communication, teamwork, leadership, discipline .


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